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Laboratory for Phoxonics and Nonlinear Optics in Nanostructures (Phonon Lab) is geared towards research in nonlinear optical phenomena in waveguides, microresonators and nanowires.   

Analog of coherent quantum interactions in microwave domain
Fano resonance
Fano RF.png
EIT-like RF.png
Nonlinear optics at 2000 nm
Brillouin laser.png

Wavelength region around 2 um is emerging as the wavelength region of interest due to its application in gas sensing, medical technology, an optical communications. Gas molecules e.g. CO2, CO, which are the main atmospheric pollutant and contribute to green house effect,  have transition in the 2000 nm and therefore, this wavelength region is important for atmospheric sensing. The availability of wide bandwidth (400 nm) thulium-doped fiber amplifiers and hollow-core fibers make 2 um wavelength as the potential choice for future optical communications. To enable these applications, it is important to develop coherent optical sources.

Here, we are developing coherent sources and signal processing techniques at 2 um for applications in optical communications, sensing, and medical surgery.    

At GHz frequencies, which are used in Radar communications and electronic warfare, electrical circuits suffer from electromagnetic interference (EMI), high loss and limited tunability. Photonics provide huge bandwidth, immunity from EMI, and low loss and weight, which makes it a potential candidate for wide band microwave photonic signal processing.      

We are developing novel techniques, exploiting coherent interaction between the Brillouin excitation pathways, to realize analogue of coherent quantum interactions e.g. Fano resonance, EIT-like and their application to optically and electrically controlled microwave photonic signal processing.

Nonlinear optics in nanowires

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Frequency combs
Brillouin comb.png
comb filtering.png

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